get ready, get set.
7:31 AM | Author: rachelim
Earth Week is only 11 days away!

During Earth Week, we will be hosting a Technology Free Teaching Day, a day to step away from computers and go to a time before the internet.

Don't Fight It! Help Save the Planet, for just ONE DAY!
Do your part and turn off your computers on Thursday, June 11th!

meet the earthknights!
1:48 PM | Author: rachelim

Earth Week
is closer than you think!

June 8-June 12

the Earthknights will be doing everything from planting FLOWERS in the huge dirt pile, formerly where the Mods used to be to recycle competitions :)

FIELD DAY, the day we all know and love, will feature a competition where teams will collect
recycling into their respective red, green, yellow, and blue bags for mad points :)

Garden Planting-Thursday, June 11 Mods 16-27
Recycling Competition- Friday, June 12 ALL DAY!

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you." ~ Frank Lloyd Wright

time to love back.
5:16 AM | Author: rachelim
Earthknight's first event?
The PPO picnic, where we're gonna

and show our love to our dear mother earth <3
first post.
5:11 AM | Author: rachelim

Earth Week is coming up!

The EarthKnights are gearing up to
Get our GREEN on!